Hussain (4-62 AH. – 614 AD.) was the youngest son of #Ali (A.D. 600-661) by #Prophet#Mohammed ’s daughter #Fatimah. Ali was the fourth #Caliph_of_Islam. When #Yazid , son of #Muawiyah , became Caliph he demanded allegiance from Hussain. He refused because of Yazid’s wayward ways. Ultimately he had to confront Yazid. It had to be done, to preclude any further deterioration and eventual disintegration of Islam. He had to clear up the damage -the transgression of #Islamic values, the frivolous social behaviour, in the name of Islam – the sickening dashing of dreams about future glories of Islam. Hussain had no illusions about the extent of that damage. Was it to ask too much of Hussain to take the responsibility? Certainly not. He as the Prophet’s grandson had to do his duty. But there was no easy option for him. He had to bear the brunt. When a situation of this kind arose, a very heavy burden fell on Hussain. Read more :
بالم شکسته بود و هوایی نداشتم از دست روزگار رهایی نداشتم
بیهوده نیست عاشق گنبد طلا شدن مشهد اگر نبود که جایی نداشتم
دردم زیاد بود و طبیبی مرا ندید دردم زیاد بود و دوایی نداشتم
گفتم مگر امام رضا چاره ای کند ای وای اگر امام رضایی نداشتم
****پیامک تولد امام رضا (ع)****
بالم شكسته بودوهوايي نداشتم ازدست روزگار رهایی نداشتم بیهوده نیست عاشق گنبد طلا شدن مشهد اگر نبود که جایی نداشتم دردم زیاد بود و طبیبی مرا ندید دردم زیاد بودو دوایی نداشتم گفتم مگر امام رضا چاره ای کند ای وای اگر امام رضایی نداشتم